- Educational support
- Educational materials
- Online classes with reputable providers
- School work support
- Tuition fee support (Nigeria only)
- Scholarship scheme (Nigeria only)
- Career building
- School refusal support
- Managing Exam stress pressure
- Education Kay to success
Providing support for emotional health and wellbeing of children and young people especially BAME. Champaign for better mental health for children and youth Building their confidence and self-esteem, empowering and enabling them have a better quality of life and achieving their goals Work with families, groups, school to tackle/ reduce bullying which results in school refusal due to anxiety coursed by bullying We offer support for low level or early stage anxiety, worries, low mood, low self-esteem, resilient building, mild eating issues, School refusal, support with bullying and working with schools to tackle bullying, exam stress due pressure, peer pressure management and parents and guardian support in managing behaviour issues. Building good self-esteem, confidence, reducing stigma and encouraging access to health services and signposting to the right services. If emotional issues are identify and managed early it will reduce or alleviate long term mental health problem. Empowering them through education, sports, welfare support, emotional wellbeing support, Enabling them have a better quality of life and achieving their potentials Promoting total elimination of inequality. Alleviating inequality and poverty by promoting education and good mental health.Reducing and tackling child poverty through the promotion of education and materials.
• Promote social welfare support to children and young people in the community. Provide prenatal support and advice • Provide advice on health and wellbeing to children, young people and their families • Campaign for better mental health for them and ensure their quality of life improves. • Signpost people to the right serviceEMOTIONAL WELLBEING SUPPORT
- Building self-esteem and confidence- Low mood in children
- Emotional Regulation
-Fears and worries
- Low Anxiety management
-Resilient building
- Peer pressure and how to deal with it
- School refusal
-Relationship building between a child and parents
-Parents and guardian support
- Reducing iniquity and poverty eradication
- Every child matters
- Access to health care
- Obesity-Finesses activities including online group fitness classes
-Eating well
-health workshops and activities
-Poverty relief-Small financial support
-Small family donation
-Small transport fair to attend health appointment